Piano Contest Results Released!

6 levels, from 5 charters.

This post has expired

Last updated

06/01/2020, almost 4 years ago

Created on

05/22/2018, almost 6 years ago



Due to the whole redesign of CytoidIO, we couldn't post it right away after the results were announced in our Discord server about a month ago. Sorry for the long wait, but here are the results:

Criteria 1 and 3

  1. [TaiDa] Pure Ruby (8.1875)
  2. [TheBombMan] Light Meal (7.9412)

Criteria 2

  1. [td] Haelequin (8.3125)
  2. [PTB10] Polarized Blaze (8.25)
  3. [Fwapy] RE Dance (8.2353)
  4. [GrapeFruit] Elegante (8.0625)

So congrats to TD, TheBombMan, PTB10, Fwapy, and Grapefruit for winning the contest!