cytoid chordjack compilation

totally not ripping off the name from a certain rhythm game file pack


Without further ado... I present (more like stole lmao):

Cytoid Chordjack Compilation!

Sick of trills? Hate underrated jack charts? Loath charts that don't focus on any skillset entirely? This is the collection for you! As the name suggests, CCC compiles chordjack charts from *a bunch* of corners within the Cytoid DB, and is n u t-guaranteed to be friendly for players of every skill level. Just started? Try the 9s and 10s! Want to farm rt? Go play the 15s! You're a VSRG ET? Play the uhhh... questionable uprates... You shouldn't even be here in the first place cuz you're too good for the game lmao

In any case, there you have it: Cytoid's 1st collection that focuses entirely on chordjack charts (probably). I'm not active at all these days, but I'll try to update this collection from time to time. Feel free to share this collection to anyone who wants more chordjack charts (or any fletching rt farmer).

**4/10/22:** added more (frankly hard) charts



Last updated

04/10/2022, almost 3 years ago

Created on

05/03/2021, almost 4 years ago
