Important News

We have removed some levels per Rayark's request.

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Last updated

06/02/2020, almost 4 years ago

Created on

03/05/2019, about 5 years ago


Rayark Inc., the company who has created: Cytus, Cytus II, VOEZ, and Deemo has demanded Cytoid to remove all affiliated properties of Rayark Inc. before any legal action is taken. Therefore, in correspondence:

  1. All related charts have been deleted. If you are a charter who has been affected, please contact a moderator to resolve any issues.

  2. Starting from March 4, 2019, levels containing any assets from Rayark Inc. are no longer allowed to be uploaded on

  3. Any previous charts need to be deleted if Rayark include that specific song in a future update to one of their games.

If you see any Rayark Inc. affiliated levels on, please report this matter to a moderator so they can clean this up for you. If your chart has not been deleted that contains any property owned by Rayark Inc., please delete it immediately.

Thank you for your understanding. We will file a postmortem report after the copyright complaint is settled.