The 12th Charting Contest is finished!
Last updated
05/24/2020, over 4 years ago
Created on
12/16/2019, about 5 years ago
SuperciderXThanks for participating, everyone! There was a whopping 32 entries this time (not to mention some... long songs), but we hoped you survived the voting period! The initial announcement mentioned that 3 winners will win, but due to the large number of entries and for the sake of a nice number of honorable mentions we decided to bump the number up to 4. Here are your winning entries!
Additionally, we have 3 more entries featured from passing the threshold in the second round voting!
[ECIC1] Revenant (1.4375)
[Luna] 輪廻 (1.7647)
[rnk0u] Muse of Light (1.25)
And here are the honorable mentions:
[cannikin、舊支配者] Hastur
[ENCOPDA] The Light
[mekko] Jumpin'
[Armageddon.] Apocaliptix
[yang_sc] Press
[gfsd] 雪の雫・雨の音
[Hikara] エリフィと白昏の夜 -Called-
As for those who weren't able to make it, make sure to ask one of the mods for your scores, rank, and feedback. For those curious, you may also ask for your score and rank without considering metadata penalties, because let's just say there were some very big oofs this contest.
That's all for this contest, folks. Take a well earned rest, we'll see you again in February!