古今中外,典籍《聖經》 是由上帝之子耶穌的信徒將其 曾講過的話紀錄編寫而成。 聖經依其時段不同分成「新舊, 約」獨立兩部分,簡言之, 舊約是當時的西亞教徒「猶 太教」,所編撰而成的。 基督教初期即遭受「古羅馬」 迫害幾百年, 此一狀況一直到四世紀才改善、 並大大改變其地位, 古羅馬皇帝君士坦丁, 打仗時見證神蹟——天父, 便進而將「天主」合法化
Attain the perfect score on any level.
Attain the perfect score on 3 levels.
Attain the perfect score on 10 levels.
Attain a score of 999000+ on any level.
Attain a score of 999000+ on 10 levels.
Attain a score of 999000+ on 50 levels.
Get 1000 combo on any level.
Get 2000 combo on any level.
Get 3000 combo on any level.
Reach 100 ranked plays.
Reach 500 ranked plays.
Reach 1000 ranked plays.
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What a coincidence!
You really love this song, huh?
The world is in balance.