The 20th Charting Contest
Last updated
04/22/2024, 10 months ago
Created on
02/23/2024, 12 months ago
MORNCOLOUREver feel like you're just floating through life, untouched by the chaos around you?
It's like you're in your own little bubble, shielded from the drama and the madness.
While everyone else is caught up in the whirlwind, you're chilling in your untouched sanctuary, sipping on your metaphorical lemonade.
Sometimes being untouched feels like a superpower, a way to navigate through the madness unscathed.
Stay untouched and keep being your fabulous self ! 🌟✨🍹 #UntouchedVibes
Each phase begins and ends at 0:00 and 23:59 UTC-8 respectively. Use this clock to judge the time.
March 2 - April 6: Chart Submission Period
April 7 - April 20: First Voting Period LINK HERE
April 22 - April 27: Second Voting Period LINK HERE
Dates (particularly voting periods) may be subject to change with the number of submissions. Please check back here, our Twitter, or our Discord to stay updated!
You can absolutely chart any song you want ! But...
There is a limitation on the chart: The percentage of "TOUCH" notes to overall note count should be as little as possible. The highest difficulty level in the submission should have less than 30%, while other difficulty level should have less than 50%.
Storyboards are allowed, but will be judged in their own category.
One solo submission per participant. However, participants may collaborate with one or more people (excluding themselves under alternate aliases) to submit an additional submission.
Upload your level, tag "untouchable contest" and set to public. While you may edit your submission during the submission period, all levels submitted will be downloaded when the voting phase begins and will be posted in a follow-up announcement.
Storyboards are split into their own category to make things fairer for everyone. There will be one winner for each category (plain chart and storyboard), with at least one runner up for both. The number will depend on the number of submissions and how close the runner ups are to each other. And remember, we still have our second voting period!
Specifically for this contest: As mentioned above, you should aim for the chart with less than 50% touch-note-percentage (or 30% on the highest diffculty level) . For each difficulty level, every tap-percentage exceeding the limit will deduct the score by 0.1. The penalty will be averaged down across all the difficulty levels.
For instance; consider a submission with three difficulties, the extreme difficulty level has 29% touch-percentage, the hard one has 34% touch-percentage and the easy one has 55% touch-percentage. In this case, the submission would receive a (0+0.4+0.5)/3 = 0.3 point penalty.