The 13th charting contest! Back with the new twist!
Last updated
05/24/2020, over 4 years ago
Created on
02/02/2020, about 5 years ago
dengakuHappy new year! -wait I am a month late now...
Well whatever, here we go with the first contest of the decade!
Each phase begins and ends at 0:00 and 23:59 UTC-8 respectively. Use this clock to judge the time:
February 2 - February 29: Chart Submission Period
March 1 - March 14: First Voting Period ( You CANNOT edit the level during this period )
March 15 - March 21: Second Voting Period ( You CANNOT edit the level during this period )
The contest had ended. Thank you for all your participitation, the result can be see here
The song must be a Remixed. This however DOESN'T include:
If you are not sure with your song choice, please consult with a mod.
Upload your level, tag "overhaul contest" and set to public. While you may edit the level during the submission period, all levels submitted will be downloaded when the voting phase begins and will be posted in a followup announcement.